The Surprising Truth About Marketing!

Think of the word “marketing”, and it’s likely that you’ll immediately picture a company logo or website, or perhaps a series of complicated slides explaining customer choices.

Yet marketing is not just about your logo, website, customer presentations, or the values described in your mission statement.  The often-surprising truth is that successful marketing represents a combination of each and every element of your business, in a consistent and joined-up approach.

Many people feel that marketing is a complex and tactical process, far removed from the day-to-day reality of what they do for a living.  However, from the attitude of your receptionist to the quality of the invoices you send to your customers, marketing is a living process that encapsulates everything your company is and does.  

This means that the intangible aspects of your business, such as the happiness and wellbeing of your staff, are just as important as the tangible aspects.   If your staff are well-versed in your company values; if they understand and enjoy their jobs, they will perform their duties in a manner that is consistent with how you describe your business to the world – and your phones will be answered with a smile!

A good starting exercise is to examine your own company values, and then ask your staff what those values mean to them.  If your business prides itself on its honest approach, for example, how is that sense of honesty present at every level of the company?   Do your staff even truly understand what you mean by “honesty”?

You have probably dealt with at least one company before that boasts a friendly online presence, yet demonstrates rude or abrupt customer service in person.  You may not be tempted to deal with that company again, particularly if there are other options for you to choose from.

By considering your company as a whole, and by looking at how every element interconnects – from financial procedures and technical support, to internal communications and customer branding – you can genuinely transform your business.

That, in a nutshell, is the surprising truth about marketing!

Taken from a printed article produced by Diane Birch for 'Networks' magazine